IKEA Business
Ikea Business Center

Idea, script, Art direction;
Warsaw; 2017

A short forms of advertising IKEA Center for Business – prepared specifically for bumper ads on Youtube. 


Youtube Bumper, stop frame animation, 6″


It shows how to keep your office organized and tidy, and how to apply these simple procedures to your entire business.


Youtube Bumper, stop frame animation, 6″

The idea is, that you don’t have to waste your precious time arranging the space — the IKEA Center for Business team will take care of it for you!


Youtube Bumper, stop frame animation, 6″

Everyone knows that running a business is a matter of time. The Ikea Business teams will help you design and organize your office – quickly, efficiently and – in a tick of the clock! The Ikea Business Center team controls space and time!

Time And Space Control

Youtube, stop frame, time lapse, 20″